can my gtx 960 2gb run duel 1080p monitor gaming?


Oct 6, 2015
I am thinking about buying a second 1080p monitor for gaming but i have no clue if my specs can handle duel monitor gaming, my specs are as follows
GTX 960 2gb Graphics card
amd fx 8350 eight core processor
12 gb of ram

i hope i can run duel monitor, cant really afford to get a new graphics card
thanks for any help in advance guys.
I see no real reason why not, but dual monitor gaming is terrible. The dead middle of your screen is taken up by bezels.

extended, stretched resolutions for ultrawide setups are not that much more demanding than standard 1080p, its usually just a FOV manipulation.

I see no real reason why not, but dual monitor gaming is terrible. The dead middle of your screen is taken up by bezels.

extended, stretched resolutions for ultrawide setups are not that much more demanding than standard 1080p, its usually just a FOV manipulation.

i think ive seen it done unless that was an AMD card. also is there any way to get around the bezels, ive heard of things that split the screen where your bezels are but i dont know if its an option with duel monitors, ive never done any gaming with more than one monitor.
Get around the bezels? The spanning of the monitors will give you the option to account for the bezel, but it just makes the area behind your bezel "rendered" so you could in theory click on something you can't see behind the bezel. this prevents things from "Jumping" from one screen to the other, which looks unnatural because it "Jumps" the distance of the bezels.
also if i buy an HDMI monitor but my current monitor only supports dvi/vga can they still work together the same way? if i have to ask this question on a new thread i can but i figured i would try here first