Can my i7 965 Extreme @4.5 Ghz SUPPORT 4K?


Jan 27, 2017
I have one more question? I'm not sure if my processor support video cards beyond 1080p resolutions. At the moment I have the i7 965 extreme overclocked to 4.5Ghz and is a beast. I can play BF4 1080p Maxed out and the processor won't even go above 40% ever with multiple programs running at the same time. But in 2012 when i bought it 1080p was kinda the highest resolution available.
At 4K your CPU should play almost as good as a new one because more of the load is on the GPU when you play at 4K. Don't believe me? Watch this This video shows a weaker CPU than yours doing quite well at 4K with a GTX 1080. As far as GTX 1080 vs GTX 980 sli x2 goes here's another video that shows those benchmarks . The GTX 980 sli should be a bit better. SLI works great when it works and it usually does work but for most newer games you need to use Nvidia Profile Inspector in order to get the games to work or work better.
What GPU?

And it depends on what you consider support to be.. 25fps, 30fps, 50+, 60+

I personally would be surprised, as that i7 has a few years on it now and 4k is mighty tough to push.
This is going to be highly dependent upon the games you wish to play. That CPU is still relatively good and for some games should be fine. However there are games such as GTA V that are poorly optimized on the CPU end thus causing issues for your 965

Of course ill be getting 2 GPUs for 4k or at least 2k maybe a cpuple of gtx980s in SLI or I'll use the GTX1070 or ill wait for vega release. Now i just have a gtx 760 if u click on my picture you can see my system specs.


I have a friend he is using 2 GTX980 at the moment we play BF4 and he gets way better FPS than a few of my other friends with single1080. The GTX 980 SLI completely destroys a single 1080 when going head-to-head. Almost all games, with the exception of Witcher 3, the 980 SLI was faster than the 1080 at both 1440p and 4K. The 1080 outperforms the 980 SLI in Witcher 3 specifically because the 980 SLI does not scale very well with that particular game. Thus, there are some situations where a single 1080 is advantageous to 980 SLI. Nonetheless, there are a lot of games that do scale well with 980 SLI and, in those instances, it smokes the 1080. Would be interesting to see the specs on 1080 SLI.

But I'm not asking about witch card is faster that's why we have proven benchmarks. I'm just wondering if my processor supports 2k or 4k resolutions.
At 4K your CPU should play almost as good as a new one because more of the load is on the GPU when you play at 4K. Don't believe me? Watch this This video shows a weaker CPU than yours doing quite well at 4K with a GTX 1080. As far as GTX 1080 vs GTX 980 sli x2 goes here's another video that shows those benchmarks . The GTX 980 sli should be a bit better. SLI works great when it works and it usually does work but for most newer games you need to use Nvidia Profile Inspector in order to get the games to work or work better.