Can my Micro HDMI port actually break my GPU / anything else if it's acting buggy.


Nov 18, 2015
Not sure what has happened to the port and or cord but every time I accidentally bump my desk my screen goes out for a second and refreshes itself back on. And if I were to move the cord from the back or bump it when messing with my USB's it does the same, sometimes longer than other incidents. Mainly curious of if this can break my GPU since Micro HDMI cords are the only thing it takes unless I use the VGA port. I don't want to damage anything or make things worse if it's a simple and less expensive fix right now. No other PC in my home uses the Micro HDMI port so I can't test to see if its the cord, not at home at least.
Can this cause bigger problems and does the connection issues have anything to do with a problem i'll run into in the future?

Oh i'm as careful as can be around it, I actually have it taped to the wall and in a perfect position so that it doesn't wiggle around or hang loose adding pressure. But today I did a big re-adjustment to my room and setup so I had to work with it a little again of course. It's working fine now and my screen has no noticeable problems ( thankfully ) . My main concern is if it can actually break the GPU itself. If the port does happen to break than worse comes to worse I can just go old school and use the VGA ports right ?

You could break the port I doubt it would destroy the whole GPU. Worst case yes you can use the VGA port.