can my pc handle gta 4 graphics mod ?


Apr 7, 2014
hello my pc specs are
intel core i3 2120@ 3.3 ghz
2x4 = 8gb ddr3 twinmos 1333 nhz
sapphire radeon r7 265 dual x 2gb ddr5 ( running at stock speed)
1366x768 res monitor
so can my build will be able to handle ic enhancer graphics mod in gta 4 at 60 fps plz reply i have this game and want to play it on graphics mod

I agree with TheBates, if you were to run Ice Enhancer on your system, you might be able to obtain 25-30fps at most on medium setting, Without Ice you might spike up into the 60's but It wont run at 60fps constant either, This game is a really crappy port. Though 30fps is vary playable.

I can't tell you for sure what FPS you will get with Ice but I am 99% sure you wont get 60fps constant.

This guy has a stronger CPU and without Ice he gets Min: 23 Max: 49 on the R7 265

This game is just a vary poorly made game.


Aug 15, 2014
With the resolution your running on I am sure you can running it at a playable frame rate (e.g.25-30 fps) however one stronger GPU would certainly be advisable over a weaker crossfire configuration.

At the end of the day the PC port of GTA IV is terrible and requires you to brute force the game with power way, way over the recommended specs.

Hope this helps!
Ice Enhancer hits the CPU hard, you will not be able to keep a steady 60FPS, I play this game and can tell ya its not gonna work to good on a dual core i3.

A test system at work with an i5 2500k at 4.1ghz and a GTX580 could not keep 60FPS with Ice Enhancer.

I agree with TheBates, if you were to run Ice Enhancer on your system, you might be able to obtain 25-30fps at most on medium setting, Without Ice you might spike up into the 60's but It wont run at 60fps constant either, This game is a really crappy port. Though 30fps is vary playable.

I can't tell you for sure what FPS you will get with Ice but I am 99% sure you wont get 60fps constant.

This guy has a stronger CPU and without Ice he gets Min: 23 Max: 49 on the R7 265

This game is just a vary poorly made game.


Aug 15, 2014
Nobody knows really unless they have a similar setup to you. It's easy to give an average but really the best way of knowing it just trying it out for yourself.

Every game makes use of hardware that bit differently and sometimes it's not as good as you expect which is one of the risks with PC gaming.