A akultom Reputable Dec 26, 2015 8 0 4,510 Dec 26, 2015 #1 MY PC SPECS: -CPU: Intel Core i5-4570 -GPU: AMD RADEON 7790 -RAM: 8gb
ThatVietGuy Titan Nov 6, 2007 11,726 319 70,240 Dec 26, 2015 #2 You already asked this - http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2912452/run-anwser.html Upvote 0 Downvote
vrumor Judicious Jan 17, 2012 7,747 1 35,015 Dec 26, 2015 #3 But he didnt get the answer he wanted that time. Upvote 0 Downvote
A akultom Reputable Dec 26, 2015 8 0 4,510 Dec 26, 2015 #4 So what do you think will it run Upvote 0 Downvote
bignastyid Titan Moderator Jun 19, 2011 33,642 1,677 159,590 Dec 26, 2015 #7 Does it meet the minimum requirements? Nope, gpu is well below a 7870. So if it even runs I doubt it runs well. Please quit posting the same question. Upvote 0 Downvote
Does it meet the minimum requirements? Nope, gpu is well below a 7870. So if it even runs I doubt it runs well. Please quit posting the same question.