Question Can my PC kill TV pixels?

Jul 3, 2019
Yesterday I tried to connect via VGA cable, PC, that doesnt have the best specs, with TV.
FYI: Few years ago TV had to be repaired, cannot remember what the problem was, but however people that were fixing it made some damage to my display. Now at the corners there are some blacks like something from the inside was burning. Its not that visible when the TV is on (my assumption is that those blacks are at the screen panel and doesnt have anything with pixels, but I am still not sure).
However when I turned on PC and that login screen showed up, it froze right there for strange reason. Maybe I am wrong, but it appeared like those blacks were little bit darker, which was intimidating. I thought that my low-end PC had damaged somehow my display. Maybe because I havent set up resolution properly, even though that was automatically done, or that my graphic card couldnt support TV's res.
So I was wondering whether its possible that my PC can damage my TV in any way?
Only way to damage a TV with a PC is if you left it on a static image (no screen saver) to create burn in. But even then it's an effort with TVs nowadays.

Think since your TV had been repaired its looking like a coincidence.

Fyi, there's no difference between a PC or dvd player when it comes to a TV.
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