Can my PC recover a HDD from a Mac Book Pro?


Sep 8, 2016
My cousin spilled liquid onto her mac book pro (2013 model) killing it and asked me for help on recovering her hard drive. I saw a couple of videos online and it looks like a standard HDD. I know I have the space in my computer to read it but I'm not sure if it will just look like a jumble of files or if I'll be able to actually look through it and recover the files she needs.

Is this possible? Trying to save her $900 from taking it to apple for recovery.
There are free software for windows like HFSExplorer that can read hfs/+ but you can't write to it. The ones that can write are pay but you won't need it to just get the files off. There isn't anything for apfs yet.

Mac uses linux , if your PC is using linux it should work , if your PC is using windows I don't think it will.