can my pc run day z it has a nvidia GeForce GT620 graphics card


Dec 18, 2013
can my graphics card handle day z standalone ?

if not can you suggest another graphics card that is not to expensive please

thanks i have 8 gb ram and Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz, 3001 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)

i know nothing about pcs and dnt know what to get or if my one will run dayz well ect
simple website just google : Can I run it?

Yes any decent video card can run DayZ. If you go cheapo, then NO it won't run it well.
As for 'i know nothing about pcs' - Give you two choices then, do what everyone else and GOOGLE for professional company / websites that DO know about PCs and READ the articles, testing, reviews and make a responsible choice OR sell off the PC as it requires ALOT of maintenance, upkeep, and 'you need to know about PCs' to keep it running correctly; most people are VERY comfy with consoles because it is SO MUCH EASIER then trying to patch PCs, virus scan, keep malware off, find updates, clean out the PC, monitor temps, and so on and so forth.

Doesn't everyone need a PC these days?

No not really. One can have a console only, no PC, and just use their iPhone / Android phone for all the 'web based stuff' they do. Now if they plan to do 'simple things', like write a Word Document, do a budget in Excel, or so on then yes you need some PC-Like device (PC, Mac, Chromebook, etc.). But if someone is planning 90% gaming they are planning the other 10% normally to be Youtubing, FB, Tweets, etc. 'Web based stuff' that can be done from any non-PC device, hence stick to a console and just make life a hell lot easier.
do not make the pc a gaming device just because a lot of people do game in a pc.....the op has a gt620, so obviously he/she is not a gamer and indeed uses his pc for something productive of course.

so yeah he surely needs a pc.....and please do remember given a choice 99% of the people will still prefer browsing on a pc rather than a phone.