Can my psu handle gtx770?


Aug 13, 2013
hey guys! I have a zalman gs 500watt psu and an I3 3.30 ghz and an asus hd 7750.. i am going to upgrade to an asus gtx 770 but i dont know if i will need to upgrade my psu and my cpu first.. what do you think?

Okay, this psu looks good for the price :
Actually I was going to...

hey mate .. whate psu should i take? i went to the asus site and i saw that the card needs at least 300 watt power supply. but i can afford a new psu if i need to

A 600 watt decent quality psu should be more than enough.

hey mate! uhm.. could you suggest me a 600 watt psu then cause i have no idea about them xD thanks for your time

i cant find that one in my country :/ i live in greece and i order online but we dont have all products.. 🙁


looks like prices in Greece are even worse than in country where I live. (Latvia),3OZEANOS80PLUSBRONZE65imp-0000016787.html

this one is a bit overkill, but should be okay

Why don't you give me a website which also ships to greece so I can post the link of a nice psu.

hey man! this is where i get my stuff

Okay, this psu looks good for the price :
Actually I was going to recommend a 650w-700w but what you say is true, man they are really overpriced in greece 🙁 . Nevertheless, If you think the above psu i mentioned is more than you want to spend it this will be enough :
Although, I really think you should buy Cx600 than rs600, as when it comes to psus, quality is the first thing you want to consider.

thanks alot mate!!! sorry for no reply but i was on vacation :)