Can my Semi Cheap PC beat the PS4 Pro? Also I need help with upgrades! Is there any other upgrades better?


Jun 10, 2017
To start off let me say I recently made the mistake of buying this PC. I wasn't aware of how out dated it actually was until I found this forum after I already built the PC. Fast forward 6 months and my PC bottlenecks like crazy and its very annoying. I would buy a new GPU because mine isn't great but I really just want to be done with the thought of switching motherboards, ram, and my cpu. After I do these upgrade I'm going to save for something like the GTX 1060 6gb.


My goal for these upgrades: Be able to play most new games at high - ultra high settings at 60 fps. I understand if I can't reach that but that's my goal. About how high of an fps could my upgraded build get on new games? Also I was a huge fan of the original Destiny so with the announcement of Destiny 2 port coming to PC I would love to play that game smoothly too (console settings would do). Link to some gameplay for reference: (I do not know the settings but the game looks amazing so if I could run it like that I would be more than happy) I will be using this for mostly gaming!


Budget: My budget is around $300 (it will take a bit to get there, but I think I could save up for it). I am buying all my parts from USA (Amazon to be exact).


My current Build:

CPU | [Intel - Pentium G3258 3.2GHz Dual-Core Processor]( | $74.69 @ OutletPC
Motherboard| [MSI - H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard]( | $40.33 @ OutletPC
Memory | [Crucial - Ballistix Sport 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory]( | $58.99 @ Amazon
Storage | [Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive]( | $48.33 @ OutletPC
Video Card | [EVGA - GeForce GTX 1050 2GB SSC GAMING Video Card]( | $95.98 @ Newegg
Case | [Enermax - Thorex ATX Mid Tower Case]( |-
Power Supply | [EVGA - 500W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply]( | $36.49 @ OutletPC
Optical Drive | [LG - GH24NSC0B DVD/CD Writer]( | $16.88 @ OutletPC
Operating System | [Microsoft - Windows 10 Pro Full - USB 32/64-bit]( |-
Wireless Network Adapter | [Asus - PCE-N10 PCI-Express x1 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi Adapter]( | $39.48 @ OutletPC
Monitor| [Sceptre - E225W-1920 22.0" 1920x1080 60Hz Monitor]( | $78.54 @ Jet
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $514.71
| Mail-in rebates | -$25.00
| Total | $489.71
| Generated by [PCPartPicker]( 2017-05-22 19:36 EDT-0400 |

How I think I should upgrade it: Start brand new with a new motherboard,ram,cpu. It will take some time to get the money for the upgrades but I want to make sure I have the right parts in case I can buy soon. I will buy as soon as I get the money.

CPU| [AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor]( | $195.88 @ OutletPC
Motherboard| [MSI - A320M GAMING PRO Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard]( | $69.99 @ Amazon
Memory | [Crucial - 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory]( | $54.88 @ Amazon
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* |
| Total | 320.75
| Generated by [PCPartPicker]( 2017-06-10 23:04 EDT-0400 |
A 1050 is a 2gb vram card, as such you will not get 60fps or close to that at 1080p using high or ultra settings in newer games. Most new games won't even let you use the higher settings due to the low amount of vram.

If money is tight, your best option is to replace the 3258 with an i5, used of course, that is compatible with your motherboard. Something like a i5 4570 or 4590. This allows you to keep using everything else you have.

Then you just need to upgrade your videocard, while you game as best you can with the 1050.

Changing over to Ryzen is essentially flushing all the money you already spent down the toilet. You can do it but it's not the most cost effective approach.
The answer is pretty simple one in direct comparisons: No.

You will be day dreaming about 4k 30fps on your rig.

On a slightly beefier rig I'd say certainly. With a Pentium and a 1050? No. (Answering first question in title.)

In regards to upgrades I'd highly suggest the little extra money put into an i3. Just an example, a 4150 that I've previously used can be found for a couple dollars more than the one you listed and benches slightly better. As for the GPU.. it's tough to find something that can perform the way the 1050 does at that price point unless you go back in time. Can find 780's that outperform the 1050 by a mile for around that price point but you'd have to accept that it's going to be used most likely.


I understand right now with my pentium I cannot. But will I be able to if I switch the CPU into something like a ryzen 5 1600 and keep my gtx 1050 and save for a gtx 1060 6gb?

If you do what you just stated yes you will be able to beat the PS4 Pro to the dust. (Especially with the GTX 1060)

Given you built the previous system I'm sure you're aware that a Ryzen CPU would need a new motherboard. To answer the question - you would get increased performance yes.. but you'll be maxing the GPU's power since it is such a contrast in price points between equipment. Mid tier CPU matched with a lower tier GPU. You'll experience bottlenecking unless you're playing CPU intensive games.

Without my the GTX 1060 6gb and just a Ryzen 5 1600 and a GTX 1050 2gb can I get something like 1080 60 FPS?
A 1050 is a 2gb vram card, as such you will not get 60fps or close to that at 1080p using high or ultra settings in newer games. Most new games won't even let you use the higher settings due to the low amount of vram.

If money is tight, your best option is to replace the 3258 with an i5, used of course, that is compatible with your motherboard. Something like a i5 4570 or 4590. This allows you to keep using everything else you have.

Then you just need to upgrade your videocard, while you game as best you can with the 1050.

Changing over to Ryzen is essentially flushing all the money you already spent down the toilet. You can do it but it's not the most cost effective approach.