Can really use some help, problems all of a sudden with USB phone/computer


Aug 22, 2015
Hey guys having a problem with finding files on my computer via USB phone. So i have always used USB to transfer photos or whatever else to my computer. Recently i am trying to find them with no prevail. I go to the usual DCIM/Camera and it says This folder is empty but i can view everything on my phone. I try to check out my SD card i have installed and that is also says this folder is empty? What is going on? Getting frustrated here as ive never had a problem with this before, is their any solutions or tips on what is going wrong? Anything would be appreciated, thanks!
1st Question: What phone are you using?
2nd Question: Are you using the system Camera app to take the photos, or using a third party app?

Oh sorry, thanks for the reply. It's a Motorola droid 2. Stock camera. Worked before even says my external disk is empty when trying to view on the computer

OK, now when you plug your phone into your PC are there any notifications that appear in the notifications menu?

No, no notifications.


Well I'm stumped. Sorry, I'm really not an expert on that specific OS, sorry I didn't really help. 🙁

Although I would recommend posting this again, but in the Smartphones section of the forums. You have a much higher chance of getting a solution there than in the CPU's section. Good luck!