Can/should I set my ram to 1866 mhz? (read description)


Jul 24, 2015
My CPU says (i5 4590) says it supports 1600 mhz for ram speed and my motherboard says it supports 1600, 1866 (O.C.), etc. Someone told me the CPU # doesn't matter (they cited linustechtips, but who knows, they could have misunderstood) , prompting some questions.

The RAM I bought is (2 x 4 gb) G.Skill RIPJAWS 1866 mhZ, currently it's running at 1600 but I think I have to set it to 1866 mhz anyway. Is that right? I think I recall reading somewhere that even though I bought 1866 RAM I'd have to go into bios myself and set it to that.

So few questions
1) even though my CPU says 1600 MHz, can I still run it at 1866? (Would it be safe to try?)
2) if the ram I bought is 1866 mHz do I still have to go into settings and set it to that instead of 1600? (I think I remember reading that somewhere)
3) how do I do that?
Just look in the bios/uefi under the MIT tab/section for "Advanced Memory Settings" and enable XMP.Choose profile 1.
The 1866mhz speed should work fine with that cpu.
just search your bios for the ram speeds and make sure its set to either 1866 or 933 depending how it decides to show it. You can use cpuz to see what your dram frequency is. i use 1866mhz memory so my dram frequency is showing as bouncing between 932.5 and 932.8

Ok thanks, so is that safe and do you know why it wasn't set to 1866 to start with? Is something wrong with my RAM or with my motherboard? And also why the CPU says it only supports up to 1600? (it seems like most intels actually say that)
yeah its totally safe its like turning on an off an afterburner on a jet basicically. and it isnt set that way because overclocking does cause hardware to heat up. so it's safe for the manufacturer to just blame the problems of the consumer if anyting goes wrong. which it most likely wont.
Okay thanks :) Do you know why I have to overclock on mine yet friends with similar set ups it was plug and play?

Apparantly my motherboard supports 1333, 1600, and 1866 (O.C.) meaning 1866 overclocked; will i still get the normal 1866 performance out of this or is it going to be just like I overclocked 1600 mhz ram..?

Sorry for all the questions, thanks!
Don't worry man's np at all, and yeah 1600mhz oc to 1866 will be the exact same if not better depending on the cas timings as normal 1866mhz. When we say 1600mhz clocked at 1866mhz means the data moving through the ram is instead of stock 1600mhz its now runing at 1866 mhz. Were as your friends ram runs a data speed of 1866mhz stock.
well we have the same RAM sticks so 😛 and mine was advertised as 1866 RAM

I just went into BIOS and enabled XMP: Profile 1. It said now the frequency is 1867 (weird, huh? is that ok?). Do I need to edit anything like timings, like would that have gotten reset too from what was advertised? (it's advertised as 9-10-9-28 for timing, is there a way i can check that timing and is there a chance that got switched because the frequency got switched too)