Can someone help me?


Nov 24, 2014
Can someone please link me to the best performance pc for 300-400$

I dont know much about this and i want to get my money's worth
@ThatVietGuy - The OP requested a $300-$400 PC, not just a graphics card.

@rcfan12 - At that price range, there's really not a ton of difference between the systems you can choose from. At that price range, I'd probably be looking at an AMD APU based system with at least 4GB of RAM.

-Wolf sends

Edit: I'd probably look at any of these from Newegg.
@ThatVietGuy - The OP requested a $300-$400 PC, not just a graphics card.

@rcfan12 - At that price range, there's really not a ton of difference between the systems you can choose from. At that price range, I'd probably be looking at an AMD APU based system with at least 4GB of RAM.

-Wolf sends

Edit: I'd probably look at any of these from Newegg.

What amd is a good one?
Thx bro! All im really using it for is minecraft and YT videos.... My current laptop has a intel i5 and 6gb ram with an integrated video card..... Just looking to upgrade!
I think the performance gain you *might* get is certainly not worth the cost of an entirely new system. If you want to see a significant performance increase in a pre-built system, you're going to have to up your budget by several hundred dollars.

-Wolf sends