[SOLVED] Can someone suggest me motherboards for 3700x


Aug 24, 2016

I'm looking into getting the new ryzen 3700x and since I don't really understand much want some help
I'm from portugal and have about 170€ to get myself a motherboard and wanted to see some suggestions and comparisons
I think my PSU will be able to support those are my specs just in case and I'll be getting new ram as well g.skill 3200

Thank you in advance :)

My Specs:


Intel Core i5 6600K @ 3.50GHz
Skylake 14nm Technology

16,0GB HyperX Fury @ 1064MHz (14-14-14-35)

MSI H110M PRO-VD (MS-7996) (U3E1)

2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (ASUStek Computer Inc)

465GB Seagate ST500DM002-1BD142 (SATA)

Seasonic S12II 520W - S12II-520
Well the board I linked before is still a good option even if you don't need the flashback feature in my opinion. As long as it has all the slots/connectors you need.
The cheapest option would be to get a B450 motherboard. BUT, unless it says 'Ryzen 3000 ready' out of the box, it's not going to post, at which point, you'd need to contact AMD for a boot kit.
X570 boards are going to cost more, but they'll post out of the box. They aren't necessary, unless you REALLY need that pcie 4.0...
The former requires a little waiting, but it's still the more affordable option.

EDIT: if you're ordering online, another thing you can try doing is contacting the vendor and requesting for a Ryzen 3000 ready B450 mobo.
Ok, I get it but since I don't really understand much what would be the best for the money I guess
I found this https://i.redd.it/jns90zhx3o731.png
And saw 2 msi bellow 200€ didnt want to waste that much that's why im asking im really confused since i dont understand anything about motherboards the more i try to learn the worse it is about vram, OCing, etc etc hahahha really sorry
PCPartPicker Part List

Motherboard: MSI - B450M PRO-M2 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard (£55.99 @ CCL Computers)
Total: £55.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-07-09 01:04 BST+0100

Contact the vendor you plan to purchase from and request a Ryzen 3000 ready board. If they aren't able to do this, you can still get this mobo and then contact AMD to mail you a boot kit.

If that is too much trouble for you:
PCPartPicker Part List

Motherboard: MSI - X570-A PRO ATX AM4 Motherboard (£169.99 @ Box Limited)
Total: £169.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-07-09 01:06 BST+0100
The difference in money is huge and to be honest the cheaper the better
I just don't really what would be the difference, like with my setup i went with a cheap mobo and i think it was a bad decision with a better mobo i could probably OC it and i could keep this PC for a bit more even tho i would upgrade it anyways hahah (a friend of mine told me to get that)
But yeah I saw that board and on the link I sent of reddit theres more MSI boards i kinda wanna know what's the best for the money im giving because if its all the same thing ill just get the cheapest one as well, I kinda want one that will last as well
Maybe waiting for the tool kit would be an hassle not gonna lie i could get one of those with flashback bios or whatever i would learn how to do it
The cheapest B450 you can find that has heatsinks on the MOSFETs(those black cubes above and to the left of the cpu socket), like the B450 mobo I linked you.
That will have the best value.

Important question: Do you need PCIE 4.0?
If your answer to this is, "What is that?", or "No.", then avoid x570.
I can't make it much simpler than that.
Is PCIE 4.0 really needed tho? I've heard that not really so i guess i wanna cheap out again and having the potential to OC and have something "good or avarage"
The cheapest option would be to get a B450 motherboard. BUT, unless it says 'Ryzen 3000 ready' out of the box, it's not going to post, at which point, you'd need to contact AMD for a boot kit.
X570 boards are going to cost more, but they'll post out of the box. They aren't necessary, unless you REALLY need that pcie 4.0...
The former requires a little waiting, but it's still the more affordable option.

EDIT: if you're ordering online, another thing you can try doing is contacting the vendor and requesting for a Ryzen 3000 ready B450 mobo.

Even then that's still not 100% guaranteed that it would work correctly. This type of motherboard marketing has been around since the 2500 days and it's not always guaranteed that it will POST first time with the new generation, but the thing is you don't know that until you bought it and built it. Most of the time you will need an older CPU and flash it in order to upgrade to the newer generation CPU.
Even then that's still not 100% guaranteed that it would work correctly. This type of motherboard marketing has been around since the 2500 days and it's not always guaranteed that it will POST first time with the new generation, but the thing is you don't know that until you bought it and built it. Most of the time you will need an older CPU and flash it in order to upgrade to the newer generation CPU.
Even with the AMD boot kit?
So OPs stuck with expensive x570 if they want Ryzen 3000 to work?
I don't think I am stuck because I heard some motherboards have BIOS Flashback if im not mistaken which they boot without cpu i can update it and get the new gen CPU but Yea i was pretty confused about motherboards anyways that's why i reached to get help

This "supposedly" show motherboards that are good and with bios flashback https://i.redd.it/jns90zhx3o731.png
How accurate is it? I really don't know but saw it on a youtube vid from a guy with 300k subs is it legit idk AHHAHA
Well I contacted the retailer and they said they can update the bios for me for free, I just need to choose a motherboard any good suggestions that i should keep in mind?