Can the Pentium G4560 run the newer popular games?(Overwatch, PUBG, Battlefield, etc.)


Jan 19, 2014
Ive been building a low budget but good gaming computer, and i heard the Pentium G4560 was a really good budget CPU. I was wondering if it is able to run the newer popular games, as in the title. Can You Run It told me the G4560 cant run Overwatch or PUBG, but it isnt always right so i want to ask you guys. The PC i have right now is a potato and can barely run Overwatch, and i know i cant run the newer games, but i also dont have a lot of money to blow on a gaming PC.

I have made a build on PCPartPicker for around $500(Including a Windows 10 key for around $20 from Kinguin) with the G4560 in it. If you guys could let me know if the CPU or even the build could run these newer games, that would be amazing.

Link to the build:


Pubg and bf1 will struggle. Pubg is because it's an EA game and bf1 because it needs 8 cores to run well.

Jesus, i knew bf1 was graphic intensive but that just seems crazy.. It didnt really interest me that much anyways, i was just using it as an example.. There is one game i really want to play though, and thats For Honor. Would it be able to run that?

For honor will run fine. One thing I do recommend is if you can spend a bit more and get a rx 470 this will allow you to go a lot longer without needing an upgrade. Bf1 is an example of games that are to come. Even extremly oced 7600k's struggle because it need those 8 threads.

But you do any quad core or 4 thread cpu drops frames in multiplayer no matter what. It's the way bf1 is coded. It needs 8 strong threads to not drop frames when things get intense.

Then you haven't played bf1 on a g4560 or any other quad core yet. In multiplayer maps with 32+ players you often go into the 20-30's when stuff is exploding and all. The average framerate may only take a 10-15 fps hit but the consistency is what matter. My i5 2500k at 4.2ghz and the hd 7950 have a bunch of issues when player large online maps same when my little brother uses his g4560 + hd 7970 pc. The gpu isn't at max usage but the cpu runs at 100% constantly on both. So when anything explodes the framerate dips.

I honestly wouldent pay 1000 dollars for a fucking 8 core CPU that is completely unnecessary lol