Can the socket in which i plug the power of my router make a difference?


Dec 23, 2010
Hello everyone, I am faced with a rather unique problem. The power for the router is plugged into the wall. As of now it gives me a really fluctuating amount of ping and latency.
Around 2 -3 months ago the same router was plugged into a different wall socket. We had constant ping of 30ms or so to google which as of now fluctuates from 30ms to 500ms to sometimes to request timed out. THIS IS ON WIRELESS NETWORKS. WIRED seems to be working fine.

Can there be a posibliity that one of the sockets is bad or harming the router's wifi capabilities. I would test there are some resource limitations which i can't fulfill as of now .
I don't think it has anything to do with the power to the router. I have never heard of that being a problem. Most likely you are receiving interference. One of the most common sources of interference is other peoples wireless networks. Other things like security systems, microwaves, and even Bluetooth can effect the signal. I assume if it is plugged into a new outlet that the router was moved? Maybe you moved it closer to a source of interference. Maybe you have neighbors that put in a Wifi system.

Its in the same position . Just the power has been moved to a different socket. Just seems really weird to me. As for interference. Every appliance has been where it was for the past 2 years so can't say that is the problem. Just waiting to get a long extension wire so i can plug it somewhere else and see if that works. Thanks for the comments though , Appreciate it very much.
It is not necessarily the appliances in the house it is much more likely coming from one or more of your neighbors houses. Everyone has WiFi and uses the same radio frequencies so everyone transmits over the top of each other. You can move nothing and your interference can still randomly change. A neighbor may install a new router or change the channels.

You best bet is to try different channels on the router and see if some work better. You only really want to try 1,6,11. This will be fine until a neighbor does the same thing.