Can this build play AAA games of 2017? Ex. PUBG at ultra settings.


Jan 28, 2018
I'm planning to set up my own desktop. Can this build play AAA games of 2017? Ex. PUBG at ultra settings.

or any suggestion for a budget of $350 - $400.

CPU - Pentium g4600
MoBo - Gigabyte h110m DS2
GPU - Palit 1050Ti OC StormX 4GB
RAM - Kingston 8GB 2400mhz DDr4


This is a well-balanced build for the budget. If this enables Ultra-Settings, is an open question, but you will at least get as close to that as possible with your budget. Expect rather "Very High" than "Ultra". Don't forget an SSD, if you don't have one yet.
It still may be a good idea to wait until AMDs Ryzen-APUs (i.e. 2600G) are out.
I don't think they will suit your needs (being more on line with a GTX 1030 3GB), but may (or may not) bring prices for entry-level GPUs a bit down. The Crypto-Mining-Craze won't get away soon, though, so once they AMDs are out, decide, as otherwise the pressure from "above" may counter the effect.