Can this build run H1Z1 decently ?


Jun 13, 2015
i have a AMD FX-4300 3.8 GHZ oc'ed at 4.0 and my gpu is a MSI R7770 HD ghz edition 1GB the gpu may seem a little on the low side but i can run bf3 at 50+ fps on ultra most of the times. please try to be accurate bcause i posted 1 time asking if i could run bf3 before i got it and 1 guy said the only way i could run it very low settings 30 fps and he was very wrong
That's why the guy said you would run Battlefield 3 at low settings. People assume that you're playing at 1080p.

You should be fine at medium/high settings with good framerates.
Which resolution are you playingt? At 1080p you'll have difficulties reaching good framerates at high-ish settings I think.

However these sort of things are impossible for us to answer. Because we are not familiar with how demanding each game is.
