Every game is different, you'd need to check benches for the ones you're curious about. You'll always have to adjust the gfx options until you find the fps you want.
That link shows a GTX 970. It's a crazy fast card, but you won't get 60fps @ "ultra" on every game, even at 1080.
Quick examples from your list:
Witcher 3 - 1080p, Ultra - 21fps min, 43fps avg
(In this case, the CPU almost doesn't matter: http://www.techspot.com/review/1006-the-witcher-3-benchmarks/page5.html)
GTA V - 1080p, Very High w/8X MSAA - 28fps min, 34fps avg
(These results are also more CPU dependent - ** http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/92/929129/2847596-8988251569-gtav_.png)
** Note - this link doesn't even have MSAA turned on, wouldn't qualify as "ultra".
Fallout 4 - 1080p, Ultra, HBAO+ - ??fps min, 33fps avg
(Source: http://www.pcgamer.com/fallout-4-graphics-revisited-patch-13/)