Can this laptop run Grand Theft Auto 5?

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Jun 18, 2013
Hey guys, newbie here! I am shopping for a new laptop that I will primarily use for school and occasionally gaming. I was thinking of building a new gaming desktop, but I am constantly moving places so portability is a must.

Anyways, I was checking this laptop out on Amazon and was wondering if it would handle Grand Theft Auto 5. I'm not real picky with the game settings, but was I assume that it would run the game fairly well on low to medium settings with decent FPS. The reason I am interested in this laptop and not other ones is because I have set a max budget of $600 and it must be available on Amazon. I also like that it isn't lacking in appearance as it's incorporated the color red and has a backlit keyboard. The specs and link are below.


Processor: AMD A8-5545M 1.7 GHz
Storage: 1024 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 8510G graphics

Let me know what you guys think.

If I did not need portability then I would build a desktop for sure. Anyways, will this laptop run it or not? If not, what other one can for $600?
I had a laptop with i5 4200m and gt 750m. The gt 750m is a little faster in benchmarks than the 840m.
It would run newer games only on low settings and at resolution of 1280x720 at acceptable framerates. Reports say GTA 5 scales quiet nicely to the lower end so I say u should run it with the 840m in 1280x720 resolution with all the demanding settings on lowest. I ll just checked some youtubbe vids, res 1280x720 all low u should get 30-50fps

So will this laptop be fine if I run it on low settings? If not what other laptop will do the job for $600?
In my eyes 30-50fps is not run fine. It will lag for sure, there won t be butter smooth gameplay. If u don t mind some lag I guess it s playable but not more. A 600dollar laptop will never run this good. laptop hardware is a lot weaker than desktop hardware and a lot more expensive. I would say to run it fine u need something like a 1K laptop, min is in my opinion gtx 860m and an i5 or i7 but not the U-model (not 100% sure but U means something like undervolted, so it gives a longer battery life but does have less power which is bad for gaming). There is also M-Model and HQ-Model, HQ is best.

I can live with 30-50 FPS. What about the lag part?

Thanks for that info. I'm not sure what i'm going to do now.

u know somebody with a pc or laptop in the lower/mid range? If yes u could go to him and tell him he should put in a game which he can t run fine or log it to 40fps and see if u feel comfortable playing at this fps.. For some people it s fine to play at 30fps, for me it s impossible I get a headache and my eyes hurt if the framerate is under 60fps constant. Most people like most to play at 60 fps + cause it s nice and smooth gameplay.

Have u played videogames on PC before? if not go play at 30fps and see if u like it or not. Everybody is different but most of pc gaming commumity shoot for 60fps + for a reason cause anything under 60fps gets laggy, under 30fps is considered unplayable for most people

That is a very broad statement. You are trying to speak for a lot of people.

Yes currently the goal is 60FPS but I remember when 30FPS was the target to hit on a PC game.

I play plenty of games at 30-60FPS and 30FPS is smooth. 60FPS is smoother. Then again there are people who would laugh at your 60FPS and say that only 120FPS is smooth.
guess why I ask him if he played pc games before and that he should go test it and see if it s ok for him. Yes stable 30fps with no dips feels maybe smooth but when your system runs on 100% and barely gets over 30fps there will be fps fluctation and than u feel the lag 100%. For now GTA 5 drops hard frames when driving for pretty much everybody so even when he gets 45fps running around he propably gonna drop driving to 30 and under and than there is lag.
U read how I tell him 1 post before how for some people 30fps is good? For me not. My eyes gets problems which result in headache.
And how am I going to try to speak for a lot of people? I tell him what my experience is and what the big majority of pc gamers tries to achieve in games.

I have actually and I can see why 30FPS is annoying for some people. However, that has always been the maximum amount of FPS I could get since I didn't have the money to upgrade my computer. I guess I have a big choice to make between a laptop and a desktop.
The game should run on the min settings but it will not be very enjoyable. I personally will never play a game under 1366 * 768 which you will with your laptop. As for a substitute, you could look at clevo laptops as they are best for budget gaming laptops as they are cheaper than branded laptops but I don't know how good they are.

Thanks for that info. I think I may just go ahead and upgrade my current desktop. The problem is that I can only upgrade to a 3rd gen i5 processor. Do you think this would work? I would also upgrade the ram to 8gb. What budget graphics card will work best?

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