Can this run ARMA 2/3


Nov 14, 2013
Can a 755m run arma 2/3 at a decent fps? My friend just got the lenovo y410p (gt 755m in it) and I don't want to recommend arma to him if he can't play it. My guess is he would be able to get 30 - 50 on med settings, but as I said I'm not sure.
Yeah, it could run it. If he wants a flat 60fps, he might have to lower the resolution, but I think he should do fine. I'm not an expert on this but, at least for me, I don't always get framerate increases when I lower the graphics settings; the game simply utilizes less of my gpu. This has something to do with the graphics preset I think so if you are having issues getting it to 60fps, try setting it to the very high graphics preset and then moving settings down individually so as to maintain full gpu utilization. Downloading some software to monitor gpu usage would also be helpful so you can make sure that you are utilizing the whole thing.