Can underclocking GPU improve performance if CPU is bottlenecking?


Aug 25, 2015
I upgraded to a Vega 56 and have an i5-4670K with an overclock of 4.0 Ghz.
I've noticed it certainly is bottle necked is most situations.

So my question is, can underclocking my gpu improved frame rate if my CPU is bottlenecking it?
You aren't going to improve framerate by doing anything but getting more CPU power, either by replacing it or overclocking it more. You can relieve some strain on the CPU by increasing graphics settings, but you aren't going to get any more frames out of it. If your CPU is the bottleneck it is just going to be maxed and the GPU will be underutilized and only putting out frames at the rate the CPU can feed it.
Underclocking can considerably reduce power consumption at the expense of a lesser amount of performance.

The only case I can think of where that may lead to better perceived performance is if you were hitting thermal throttling and the reduced power allowed you to maintain more consistent clocks though the more intensive spots that were bogging things down.

Oh okay
You aren't going to improve framerate by doing anything but getting more CPU power, either by replacing it or overclocking it more. You can relieve some strain on the CPU by increasing graphics settings, but you aren't going to get any more frames out of it. If your CPU is the bottleneck it is just going to be maxed and the GPU will be underutilized and only putting out frames at the rate the CPU can feed it.
No. No no no no no.

Banish bottlenecking from your vocabulary when it comes to PCs.

Other than if the heat issues are so much that thermal throttling is involved as InvalidError said, a higher performing video card can NEVER make a CPU perform any less than it used to when you had a lesser video card.

Unless there's a problem with insufficient cooling, getting a faster video card will NEVER reduce performance.