Sorry 1) if this is wrong place 2) Dumb question.
I am working on smart irrigation project, I have Arduino connected with 4 sensors and 1 actuator, Arduino collect data and send to ESP32 using Reyax RYLR896 Lora Module connected to it.
I keep all PCBs in one waterproof box, but this cause network loss with other Lora node, so I decided to remove antenna from RYLR896 and install it on tall pole and connect it to RYLR896 by single wire, will this, work?
This is original RYLR896
https://www.dropbox.com/s/t11jvwe65t57zr7/Original RYLR896.png
This is what I planned to install antenna
Sorry 1) if this is wrong place 2) Dumb question.
I am working on smart irrigation project, I have Arduino connected with 4 sensors and 1 actuator, Arduino collect data and send to ESP32 using Reyax RYLR896 Lora Module connected to it.
I keep all PCBs in one waterproof box, but this cause network loss with other Lora node, so I decided to remove antenna from RYLR896 and install it on tall pole and connect it to RYLR896 by single wire, will this, work?
This is original RYLR896
https://www.dropbox.com/s/t11jvwe65t57zr7/Original RYLR896.png
This is what I planned to install antenna