Question Can we detach antenna and make it external antenna?


Nov 6, 2017

Sorry 1) if this is wrong place 2) Dumb question.

I am working on smart irrigation project, I have Arduino connected with 4 sensors and 1 actuator, Arduino collect data and send to ESP32 using Reyax RYLR896 Lora Module connected to it.
I keep all PCBs in one waterproof box, but this cause network loss with other Lora node, so I decided to remove antenna from RYLR896 and install it on tall pole and connect it to RYLR896 by single wire, will this, work?

This is original RYLR896 RYLR896.png

This is what I planned to install antenna
Can't say for sure,this is not a device I have seen.

This though is pretty standard antenna design questions that have not changed much since days of analog radio.
Antenna design though is extremely complex question people make their whole career just that.

You can in theory do what you want but your problem is finding what you call a "wire". This must be a cable that has the proper impedance (common is 50 ohm) and has low loss for the radio frequency you are using. The higher the frequency the more expensive the cable is going to be. Even using the best cable you are going to lose some of your signal. You sometime can offset this with a bigger antenna but that is a over simplistic explanation. You have to be careful though about making any modifications to antenna. There are all kinds of complex laws but it mostly it is related to your transmit power and if it can interfere with other devices. For example even very low power wifi device can interfere with weather radar and there are rules about using certain radio channels in a home router.

So I would look for some microwave rated cable that has low loss in the frequency range your device needs. Microwave frequencies require perfect solder connections so as to add minimal signal loss. Key here is you have to be careful your cable can easily absorb all the gain the antenna adds.