Can we have some feedback please

This is mainly for Joe I would guess but please chime in.

The new forum has been up for a while now and it would be nice if you could give an update on how user feedback has helped to shape the new forum experience
Things like which suggestions and feature requests have been acted on and are now part of the forum.
This would include any usability that was requested to be put back that was dropped or just got overlooked in the update, changes to the UI that have been requested, changes to the reputation/points system etc.

Really just a list or two would cover it.
A list of the above and any other user inspired changes I didn't cover that have been implemented.

A list of the above that are pending.

Anything that was considered but couldn't be done etc.

Mac :)
Sure thing. Shouldn't be too tough to provide.
I'm on a short holiday at the moment, but I can throw together some of the updates and improvements the devs have made per user feedback, as well as the big items on the wishlist in a few days.

The biggest, most visible example of user input affecting the interface would have to be the new member forum homepage. That was built heavily on the influence of users requesting more customization and personalization to their forum viewing experience.
I'm more interested in feedback after the new forum was launched.
An example would be having the ability to see who is online back, this has been a popular request.
The mouse over window has recently be changed to red presumably to match the forum.
Would this not have been a good time to add this feature back in ?
Is it something that we will get back soon if at all ?

Mac :)
That mouseover window was always supposed to be red. I'm glad it was updated. :)
The online notifier is on the wishlist, but I believe there are technical issues in re-activating it in the new forum setup. The previous iteration didn't even work half the time.
It seems that it worked well enough for enough people to make it a popular request.

It also seems that basically nothing that was requested to be looked into added or changed from the initial feedback thread is actually going to happen.

So the question has to be asked. Why ask if you pretty much know that none of the feedback will be acted upon ?

I do realize that you are not the one who has the say and all you can do is pass things on and feedback to us what you get given.
As our conduit to those who are in charge I am here to tell you that ever since the update I have been growing increasingly frustrated with the usability of the site on a day to day basis.

Every time I visit the site I end up siting waiting for pages to load. I am on a very fast Broadband connection and so it shows up really really badly when I end up waiting 15-20 seconds for a page to load.

My usage has tailed off over the months since the update, its only been the idea that you might actually get your collective act together and implement some of the suggested changes as you implied would be happening that has keep me returning from time to time.

It seems now that early talk of exciting new changes/additions and updates were well wide of the mark.

And it's definitely on the wishlist - but there are higher priority items (like spam tools for mods) that get first dibs on developer time. Quite a bit on the original list of feedback from the new site transition has been taken into account and come to fruition, and I'm confident there will be more. Part of my role as CM is filtering out the noise to signal ratio, and that oftentimes means relaying not only the concerns of the userbase, but also the priorities of the community team. A feature that was only used by a very small number of people, and is only being asked for by a small number of users, isn't going to get as much attention as would badge expansion or category refinement.

Few weeks ago I came back and I am experiencing load errors (basically hanging) looks to me a lot of them have to do with queuing that is somebody else is posting before you and nothing really happens until you refresh the other persons post appears and you have to repost. Adding tags to threads get stuck on searching and so on.
I am still trying to get my head around the tags and their association to badges, for example Graphics card has a badge other people tag GPU or Graphics and neither seems to be associated with a badge. Same with gaming associated PC games no, Intel has a badge I5 Intel no and so on.
Jpishgar posted.

"Quite a bit on the original list of feedback from the new site transition has been taken into account and come to fruition"

So again as I asked at the top of the thread and is the whole point of my thread.
What exactly has come to fruition ?

Mac :)