Can Western Digital or somebody else help me help my disk show in File Explorer?

Where does it show? In Disk management and Device Manager?

I have tried the basics such as

Installing it and lettings Windows discover and install it like normal.

clicking on scan for hardware changes in the Device manager


Running the diskpart command and manually assigning it a drive letter. I assigned it the letter N. just to be safe.

My specs are below. WDC WD5000BPVT-22A1YT0 is the drive I am having issues with.


I'll continue to look for a solution.

The only choices I have when I right click the drive are delete volume and Help.

Use something like EaseUS partition master.
Either merge that 13.04 partition into the other one, or format it and give it a drive letter.

Personally, I would make that whole drive 1 single partition.


As you can see the Disk 0 I applied the N to turned out to be my DVD ROM disk. I am tempted to remove my DVD drive and attempt to assign the unmarked partitions letters.

I can't access the drive in file explorer.

Yes. That's the way the disk was when I received the laptop. I have since built this PC and am just now trying to add this disk.

UPDATE diskpart can't see it either. Drive was fine in the laptop. Don't see how it could have broke.


Thank you, yes I was. However I can't assign a letter to something it can't see.It only shows in health monitors like Speccy and Windows' DIsk management. It doesn't give me the option of assigning a letter in DM. When I type list disk it can see the disk. When I type list volume it can't see it(the volumes).

You're trying to manipulate the first partition on Disk 0?
What happens when you right click on that space in Disk Management?

I offered that info in my original post

The only choices I have when I right click the drive are delete volume and Help.

I guess I am. I am simply trying to be able to access it. First time in this PC.

But you said disk. Oops I did it again:bounce:

Convert to Dynamic Disk



"right click the drive"
Exactly where are you right clicking?

But you said disk. Oops I did it again:bounce:

Convert to Dynamic Disk



Just to verify, you get this when you right click the leftmost space on Disk 0? 13.04GB?

I click on the leftmost space which is Disk 0. One space to the right would be right clicking on the 13.04GB Volume . When I right click that I can only select Delete Volume or Help.
Hey there, @aquielisunari!

You mentioned that this was the first time you are trying to add this particular WD Blue 500 GB to your system, right? First, I'd start by backing up all your important files from the system somewhere off-site and make sure you have a duplicate of them elsehwhere. The more copies you have, the safer you will feel about your data. All these partitions are rather confusing to me as well because I am also a fan of single HDD partitions as @USAFRet. After the backup, I'd strongly recommend you consider running the QUICK and EXTENDED tests on it from our Data LifeGuard Diagnostics for Windows. The utility will help us determine the health and SMART status of all your WD HDDs. If you have access to another working PC, check how this particular HDD will get recognized there and see if you will be able to make any changes onto it from there. Afterwards, attempt to plug it back to your PC rig and see how it will pop up.

Keep us posted with the troubleshooting!