Can you change the fans of a case?


Jun 10, 2015
Hi, can the fans that a case comes with be changed for another ones? For instance im planing to buy a nzxt phantom 630 case (or 820), but I want to change the fans that it comes with for some corsair AF/SP ones. Can that be done?
You certainly can but with NZXT cases in particular be sure you are getting the correct sized upgrade fans. I have a Phantom 820 and just got new fans for it to upgrade when I upgrade my system to Skylake in a few months.

These are the fans that fit as the newer NZXT cases use true 200mm fans. As such not many 200mm fans will fit. They come in LED colors or non LED depending on what you want.

You certainly can but with NZXT cases in particular be sure you are getting the correct sized upgrade fans. I have a Phantom 820 and just got new fans for it to upgrade when I upgrade my system to Skylake in a few months.

These are the fans that fit as the newer NZXT cases use true 200mm fans. As such not many 200mm fans will fit. They come in LED colors or non LED depending on what you want.


Thanks! And what about noise levels with those nzxt fans? Are they acceptable?
The 4 200mm fans say 103 CFM at 20db. 20db is about as quiet as a fan can get and 103 CFM is quite a bit of air movement. The single rear 140mm fan says 83.6cfm at 24.5db and it should also be almost inaudible.

Cool thanks for the answer!
Glad to help! :)

Just as an aside I am only upgrading because I want LED fans. The fans that came with my Phantom 820 stock are very good but there is a place to add an additional 200mm top fan ( it comes with 1 and supports 2 ) and even though the case has full RBG lighting it didn't come with LED fans. I plan on a red/blue theme. I will use the red LED fans and keep the case lighting blue or maybe use green occasionally. Here are some pictures highlighting the 820s RBG LED support if it helps you.




And inside:


As good as the stock fans are everything I've read says the new FZ-200 LED fans that I bought to upgrade to are better. They move more air and are quieter.