Can you crossfire ati firepro v4800? if so how?


Sep 12, 2012
I noticted the ati fire pro v4800 i have has the bridge ports for cross fire but noting around says or people have even tried doing it? Can you? If not why not? I noticed in some writing crossfire are part of its abilities.
If it is crossfire compatible, all you need is another just like it, and of course a motherboard that supports crossfire. Its a professional workstation card, so I suppose that is why you don't really hear a lot about it, as the vast majority of users doing crossfire are doing so with gaming in mind. Other than that, I couldn't really give you any advice has to what to expect performance wise, I don't have any experience with the card myself.
Pretty much if its got the connection points i can. Got it. Trust me when i say ive been reaserching professional cards for a year and man there is so much complicated stuff to it. At least amd makes it easier. Also i will gladly post specs when i can, since no one else has seemed to try this ( or at least hasnt posted anything). Cus if it really works tri cross firing 3 of these bad boys, if my theaory is correct i could perform almost as good as a v7000 or higher fire pro card with 3. But right now my budget only has me get 1 so far 🙁 my whole rig is meant for 3d rendering on a budget.

I5 quad 3.2 ghrz, asRock z77 extreme4 with gpu and photoshop boosts, 8 gigs ram g.skill ripjaws extreme z77 compatible, 670 watt psu.
Just got my hands on a second v4800, curious to know what's it gonna do, but have to wait until my new mobo arrives, which can take some time, since the company where I ordered doesn't have it in stock. I'll post an update once my new system is up and running.
Confirmed by calling AMD themselves, the V4800, even though it has crossfire connections, it is disabled on those cards, and that's probably why you don't hear anyone talking about it. The guy said, the lowest card in the firepro line that starts supporting crossfire would be the V5900 which is about 300 bucks more. Go figure.

Well thank you for coming back and updating, learned something new today.
Thanks for posting dlefik2008!

The V5700 also supports crossfire..
So I better resell my second V4800... 🙁
Couldn't figure out why it wasn't working for the last few weeks until I found the link posted above and having the confirmation by dlefik.

Would have been cool... still a bit strange though that it has crossfire connectors but doesn't support it, looks like AMD/ATI disabled it in the firmware.
Well, I have a v4800 myself and was so close to buying another one for the sake of crossfiring, however, I kept getting mixed input on whether or not it would be possible. Some sites said yes, some said no, but I could never find anything "official", so I just decided to call AMD myself and take the hassle out of spending all that time googling for something I could never find. Kind of confusing about disabling it, yeah, but I suppose that's how they would sucker you into going for a higher priced card in the FirePro line.