[SOLVED] Can you disable half the cores in any AMD CPU that uses clustered multithreading (like the FX ones)?


Dec 12, 2018
Since most of the CPUs before Ryzen used clustered multi threading (where each 2 cores shared an FPU), couldn't you disable every 2nd core and get i5 like-performance? (I know it won't be the same as there are other factors like the manufacturing node). Plus, you would get the benefits of its high overclocks.
Disabling the second "core" will not make the first "core" any faster, if that was your question.
They are separated on a physical level so each "core" is what it is either the other one is running or not.
You'll only get a slight gain from not having to wait on the share resources.
I think the Ryzen master software might let you do this but I haven't tried. I know it does that with threadripper but I haven't tried on my 2700X (no point).
I do see the game mode option but haven't checked to see what it does on other Ryzens
Disabling the second "core" will not make the first "core" any faster, if that was your question.
They are separated on a physical level so each "core" is what it is either the other one is running or not.
You'll only get a slight gain from not having to wait on the share resources.