The whole bunch of hoo haa that's been going on here in Wisconsin is painful enough to watch, let alone live in the state where it's happening. Good god.
I am a fan of scrapping the party system myself. Everyone would have to run on their own merits, and not just use the party lines and party arguments. It's so corrupt! Unfortunately #1. There's too much money being doled out to EVER hope for this to happen and #2. Not only are the politicians too lazy to actually come up with a good argument for themselves, too many people are too lazy to actually check out each individual politician. The party system is too much about this vs. that. Republicans think one thing, so obviously Democrats think another. If they agreed on anything, they wouldn't have a reason to make those stupid political ads bashing each other over the head with the party stuff. Can you imagine a political ad that actually used facts relating to the particular candidates? You might actually vote for someone who's worth a damn, instead of the party guy whose time has come to run (Bob Dole 1996, GW Bush 1988, Dukakis 1988, Gore 2000). It's nice to dream, but it would take millions and millions of people absolutely locking up cities and the economy before any real change could come about. And there aren't enough of the willing to ever accomplish that.