News Can You Get Coronavirus From a Package?

Coronavirus didn't change anything for me. I still order from China. The virus lives some hours, 2 days max on objects and food. Items I order from China take 1-2 months to arrive so 0 risk there.
That article is both true and false.
It is true that these packages, while in transit, are not viable hosts for transmitting the disease, that is only a direct answer for point A to point B. The corona virus can last on surfaces for some time, and infected people do not show symptoms for a few days. So, you would also have to consider how many other points of contact that package has had along the way. It may leave China infected, and may reach the customer fine, but think about how many it could infect along the way. And then those people that are infected, handling packages, hundreds, even thousands.
I'm not trying to be one to say everyone needs to panic. But people should be aware of everything and take precautions accordingly. Not read some article that says packages cannot contain the virus from point A to point B without considering all the other points of contact.
Wash your hands, use Lysol wipes/spray.
What mac_angel said.
All these test seem to have a common theme,
"We expect the same results from this new Coronavirus"
"From the way past strains of the Coronavirus acted we feel the chances of this strain behaving any different is not very likely."

Fact is it's speculation, educated guesswork at best. These things can mutate and don't feel the need to inform the Healthcare Community.
It takes very little effort to use precautions.
We asked a doctor if you should worry about packages containing coronavirus.

Can You Get Coronavirus From a Package? : Read more
It looks like it may not matter.
A respected Dr in France (can't remember his name) just completed a documented, peer reviewed test on 40 infected patients using "Cloroquine" a Malaria treatment drug in use for 50 years and reported 100% positive results. There are a few people already using the drug in trials in hospitals in the USA. The drug stops the virus from entering the human cell then affects 1 of the 2 enzymes that enable it to replicate, essentially ending it's ability to infect and multiply. It looks like we might make it through this despite Trump.

March 24, 2020
After hearing conflicting news reports on the aforementioned HydroxyChloroquine (brand name Plaquenil) and Azithromycin mixture testing I found an excert from Professor Dr Didier Raoult M.D/Ph.D (the Dr who did the test in Southern France) the number of patients that recieved the mixture was 6 out of the total tested and the rest recieved straight Plaquenil.
I've seen differing news reports depending on the news agency and differing written accounts since initially hearing the news story.
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It looks like it may not matter.
A respected Dr in France (can't remember his name) just completed a documented, peer reviewed test on 40 infected patients using "Cloroquine" a Malaria treatment drug in use for 50 years and reported 100% positive results. There are a few people already using the drug in trials in hospitals in the USA. The drug stops the virus from entering the human cell then affects 1 of the 2 enzymes that enable it to replicate, essentially ending it's ability to infect and multiply. It looks like we might make it through this despite Trump.
Are you sure 100% were healed? Where did you read this? I read 50% healed from what I can remember.
Just heard more info on the Cloroquine testing. Three Countries have done testing, France was the latest.
It's a 2-part concoction that worked the best, Cloroquine and a current bacterial killing, anti-inflammatory used on walking pneumonia and bronchitis but when used together it has an affect on this viral-based infection. It performed better than Cloroquine by itself. It completely killed the CoVid virus in all cases in 6 days and in some cases as little as 3 days. The Doctor I referenced in the first post said he thought our biggest hurdle in using this widespread would be from the FDA. I did see Trump on TV earlier saying he had instructed the FDA to cut the red tape and make it happen. I don't believe much that comes from him.
I did hear this latest Dr say that currently Doctors can prescribe Cloroquine (and some are) but I got the impression that the French results using both drugs in unison were too new (like today maybe) but Doctors could prescribe the mixture and each result could then be forwarded to the FDA and that might satisfy and expedite their qualification/testing process.
The other hopeful remedy/cure was taking plasma from previously infected patients and treating new patients but it was in "Phase 3" testing and couldn't bypass the FDA process as fast as this one could. The drug Cloroquine and H. Cloroquine are generic drugs (no Patents and/or Trademarks to hinder manufacturing) and just need somebody to step up and agree to do it.

fingers crossed
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Are you sure 100% were healed? Where did you read this? I read 50% healed from what I can remember.
I think what you are referring to was the testing done by the 2 Countries where Cloroquine was used by itself and was prior to the French test (which just concluded a couple of days ago) that used Cloroquine and another drug in unison and killed the virus in all 40 patients within 6 days, some as little as 3 days.

See Correction/Update at the bottom of Post #5.
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We asked a doctor if you should worry about packages containing coronavirus.

Can You Get Coronavirus From a Package? : Read more
Here's what they said in the video 'bout 'how long does it live'.
Hours on "soft surfaces", days on "hard surfaces".
But what you have to watch out for is CONTACT from humans.
What if the delivery person has the virus?
Then you could get it from them.
I suggest that everyone wipe all mail & packages w/ alcohol.
Or Lysol which kills coronaviruses.
BTW, we all need to use this tech tip to treat masks.
< >
The "virus deactivation system" makes masks reusable.
Have a GREAT day, Neighbor!
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at sl0j0n,
Thanks for the article. Although from 2017 and not tested on the CoVid19 pandemic, this was NOT written for the average or above average layperson.
There is a pre-soak prep before the actual soaking and drying is done. Note that these were disc-shaped cutouts of the polypropylene (the middle layer of a 3 layer mask) used in the experiment. You have to modify the procedure to make it usable for humans as a filter add-on.
You state "We all need to use this tech tip to treat masks".
Do you know how to do this or have you found anywhere that actually explains how to do this?
