Can you lower the fan speed on an Nvidia GPU?


Jun 22, 2016
Hey guys, what an adventure ive been on to try and solve this. First i watched a video of a guy lowering the fan speed on his AMD card, then i looked up how to do it on a Nvidia card, and i found this article telling you how to do it... ( ...but i cant find a download for the Nvidia system monitor anywhere! So the next thing I do is talk to an Nvidia support agent who of course brings me through the whole "did you try turning off and on again" speech and I finally get them to answer my question and they respond with "there is no way to manually change the fan speed" (-_-)

Im really confused because there are a bunch of different answers but does anyone know if i can change the fan speed of my Geforce GTX 970?
Download this

Also, it matters what card you have.....

Stock idle and load temps .... the ones that ya see w/ the higher idle temps but lower load temps arethe ones that shut off the fans below 65C

MSI GTX 970 Gaming 43°C 63°C
Colorful GTX 970 iGame 28°C 67°C
Palit GTX 970 JetStream 49°C 78°C
EVGA GTX 970 SC ACX 35°C 73°C
NVIDIA GTX 970 33°C 77°C
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