Can you oc i5 6500? How to? And what mobo to use?


Jul 30, 2016
I am building my first gaming pc and have an i5 6500 that's defective and got it refunded. Was wondering can you still oc it or should I just go with the 6600k. Would be nice if you send me a link to a video showing me how to do so. Lastly what motherboard should I use preferably under 200$. :)
With Non-K fixed multiplier OC requires a Z170 board for granular 1MHz increment BCLK adjustments. There are other chipsets that support this too on boards from ASRock:,32165.html

Z170 BIOS download page + guide:

You can download BIOS directly from manufacturer too. Just get one released before February when they still included NonK OC feature.

Flash BIOS, then follow this guide:

If you don't like to tinker with BCLK OC, then K chips' multiplier OC will work, essentially an expensive noob mode...

I believe you could OC with a 6500 if you find the right H170 board and flash the bios to a older version that supported overclocking on the BLCK(not sure i spelled that right lol). But its not really advisable. You would be alot safer overclocking with a 6600k and Z170 board.
With Non-K fixed multiplier OC requires a Z170 board for granular 1MHz increment BCLK adjustments. There are other chipsets that support this too on boards from ASRock:,32165.html

Z170 BIOS download page + guide:

You can download BIOS directly from manufacturer too. Just get one released before February when they still included NonK OC feature.

Flash BIOS, then follow this guide:

If you don't like to tinker with BCLK OC, then K chips' multiplier OC will work, essentially an expensive noob mode that's easier to handle.

Hope this helps!
Hi, I also have an i5 6500, with a motherboard MSI B150 Gaming M3. I installed XTU and expected to set to 3.6GHz the i5 when all the 4 cores are working. Right now, it's only 3.2GHz. Nevertheless, the options to increase the GHz are locked, they are grey out..

Is there a way to OC my i5 without messing with the BIOS settings?

In the BIOS, there's an OC tab with many, many options. Since I reach 62ºC under a stress test, I believe I can increase up to even 4GHz all 4 cores and still have decent temperatures.