Can You Predict the Next World War?


Jun 11, 2012
Do you think you can predict the next world war, the situation that sparked it, the countries involved, and the outcome?

I'll take a shot at it:

- Syria breaks into civil war
- Russia continues supplying the regime, UN supplies the rebels
- Random catastrophe between Russia & UN sparks retaliation
- US strikes Russia
- Iran strike US
- Israel Strikes Iran
- Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and Yemen strike Israel
- US, India, strike Pakistan
- UN/EU strike Iran, Russia, Pakistan
- China attacks India/US
- North Korea strikes South Korea/US
- Argentina Strikes US
- dominos continue to drop
- US unleashes hidden robot technology
- Robots become sentient
- Human population is overpowered by robots

Your turn

Syria breaks into civil war- ok

Russia continues supplying the regime, UN supplies the rebels -invalid

Countries that support the course of the rebels may supply the rebels. But UN will never supply the rebels. UN may send peace keeper into the country to help evacuate refugees. UN may send supply to the people affected by the war, but not the rebels. If Russian sponsored rebels attack UN force, there will be a big uproar in UN and I don't think Russia wants directly upset the rest of the world.

Good point, replace UN with NATO and/or EU. Russia wouldn't be upsetting the rest of the world by starting a proxy war with other countries through Syria - only the democratic ones. Russia has good reasons to start a skirmish through Syria; not only for the weapon sales, but to flex their muscles and increase regional influence. Not to mention it would serve as a good distraction to Putin's political woes in Russia.

This type of scenario wouldn't be the first time a dog and pony show turned into something much more serious. The US also has a history of using these "shows" as leverage to further press the agenda.
You need to remove your sig. It's too distracting. Also, hyperlink on sig is not allowed unless with special permission. Don't force me to remove it for you. It will not be pretty. 😀
Ask Jesus.

You guys are probably going to need a ref for the Mud Wrestling thing... Ill start studying up on some of the "Case Studies" I have.....

Anywhoo, I think whats going to happen with Iran is they most likely arent enriching uranium for weapons, they arent there yet. But they wont let in inspectors unless the sanctions get removed and Israel wont let the sanctions be lifted until inspectors go in. So no one wants to make that first concession.

Now lets imagine that Israel take out all of Iran's nuclear processing plants and its a relatively clean engagement, what is the first thing you would do after a situation like that? Build nuclear warheads as fast and hard as you can.

Israel could be bluffing about taking down Iran.
New Zealand ... they make the world's best cheese, and Watties Spaggetti (which is pretty good).

Plus they won the Americas Cup once ... just like us they decided to take it off the Yanks to embarass them!

The rugby team is consistently in the top 3.

They have lots of sheep ... and admirers ... <cough>.

I once applied for a job their as the Ass Prof for Construction and Engineering at UNITEC but decided not to drag the family over there, as West Auckland wasn't a place I wanted to live.

Possibly the best place in the world to go on an adventure holiday ... nice people.

Bit expensive to live there though.

Don't upset any Maori's at the pub ... even Chuck Norris would think twice about doing that.


I like how they annoyed the Americans out of ANZUS. Didn't won't nuclear ships in their harbours.

Without the US-AUS-NZ alliance, they are the smallest blip on the map ever.

Sounds like my place to live.

Oh wait, I'm a Kiwi. 😉


NZ is the famous
country which Perreaux audio equipment was made.
Here is what will happen:

-After all this political crap all around the world gets settled, the economy floats back up, people grow fond of each other...basically, the world gets better.
-All of a sudden, a blip in the economy causes a cascade of depression.
-Depression leads to a blame game, even within nations.
-Blame game turns into a civil war
-Civil war spills into each others borders.
-There will be a disregard for well being of the world: so, pollution, crime, disease agents, poverty, death will flow through.
-After a majority are killed, a bloody world war will follow.
-The New World War will have an unknown leader that will be very influential in many ways, almost powerful.
-They will destroy those who gets in their way of 'their will of the world'

You can see where this will go.

makes no sense, if aliens were advanced enough they could harvest gold directly from a supernova. Or I would expect them to know some sort of alchemy, and be able to transmute it.

I think Marv is getting a little flustered...... :sol: