Can you repare a external hard drive pc


May 27, 2012
If the case is damaged, but the drive itself is good, all you have to do is put the drive in another case. The shock from the fall could have killed the drive however. Is it making a clicking sound? If so, the drive is probably toast. If the drive not powering on, you will not feel it spin up inside the case when you plug it in. That can be the drive or the case electronics. Remove the drive and connect it using a sata/ide to usb adapter if you have one. If this is a desktop hard drive you can take the drive and connect it to the inside of some desktop PC's as long as there is a spare SATA or IDE connector, depending on what kind of drive is in the case. After you connect it, even if it seems to work fine, test it using chkdsk or a good hard drive testing utility. If the drive works after you do this, all you have to do is buy a new case!