Can you run 3 sticks of ram?

The Abacus

Aug 3, 2017
I was wondering with modern computers like a ryzen system can you run 3 sticks of ram
I remember seeing a load of older pc's that run with 12gb of ram or similar odd number of sticks ram.
Does this still work and if so what effect on performance does it have if any
triple sticks are fine and will work.
you cannot use Dual Channel with odd numbered sticks. this is the only performance hit I know.
mixing modules is a gamble, test the modules thoroughly to ensure they will play together, if so enjoy the RAM.

Memtest86 run for three passes if no errors the RAM is good to go
Some Intel based mobos have what is called Flex Channel that will allow two exactly same modules to run in dual channel mode and the third module to run as single channel. AFAIK, AMD does not support this.
The older boards you were talking about were triple channel memory chipset so they ran with 3 sticks of ram or 6. Now a days it's either dual channel or quad so they run in pairs. However you can run 3 sticks, they will just run in single channel mode which lowers total bandwidth of the memory.