Can you SLI an GTX 660 with a GTX 660 SC?

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Mar 5, 2013
I purchased an EVGA GTX 660 from newegg during their new year's sale, but now I'm looking to SLI. Preferring to pay with cash this time, I looked to a local store that would price-match, but they only carry the superclocked edition. Would anything go wrong if I SLI'd the regular 660 with the SC'd edition? I know it's the same chip, but I'd rather be sure before purchasing.

When you install the cards and fire up Precision X, it will show both cards running at the speed of the lower clocked card. It defaults to the lower speed of the two. From there, you can overclock both cards in tandem to get the speeds back up to whatever they can handle. Hopefully that means up to SuperClocked speeds or more.
So basically I'm losing out on ~60-80MHz on the SC? I know I can OC the regular 660 with Precision X to ~110MHz+, but I should still be able to do that using the SC. I just wont be able to OC the SC to it's full potential?

When you install the cards and fire up Precision X, it will show both cards running at the speed of the lower clocked card. It defaults to the lower speed of the two. From there, you can overclock both cards in tandem to get the speeds back up to whatever they can handle. Hopefully that means up to SuperClocked speeds or more.
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