Can you tell me some Intel Original D102GGC2 Mobo compactible Processors?


Nov 4, 2014
I have single core 3.06 Ghz processor on my D102GGC2 Mobo. I want to upgrade its processor. Can you tell me some cool options ?
Also tell me if its a wrong or worthless idea...
well yes its worth since the cpu are literally like $5 or $10 dollars on ebay ..heck they are practically being given away because nobody uses them anymore because they are old slowand generate alot of heat .. not enough to destroy the computer though its safe just not good for gaming or any heavy programs because those cpu's are really old but they are the best that motherboard because they are the fastest available

Intel® Pentium® D processor in an LGA775 socket with an 800 or 533 MHz
system bus
• Intel® Pentium® 4 processor in an LGA775 socket with an 800 or 533 MHz
system bus
• Intel® Celeron® D processor in an LGA775 socket with a 533 MHz system bus

your best bet would be a pentium d 950 or 945 3.4ghz processor since your mobo only support 800mhz cpu and have no support for core 2 duo.. here is a cpu support list
you can get those processors for less than $10 on ebay right now.. if you do but them it will be a great waste of time because those are really slow and old cpu ..

Actually I have another pc to work with. This is the one which is being used by my dad and sister. I am not willing to buy new mobo along with cpu. I just want to know in this case, Is it worth to upgrade the same ???
Thx for quick reply...:)
well yes its worth since the cpu are literally like $5 or $10 dollars on ebay ..heck they are practically being given away because nobody uses them anymore because they are old slowand generate alot of heat .. not enough to destroy the computer though its safe just not good for gaming or any heavy programs because those cpu's are really old but they are the best that motherboard because they are the fastest available

Do you think that I need to change heat-sink ? it noises a lot...
well as i said you dont necesarily need a new heatsink but if you want to use the pc for extended periods like 8 or 9 hours straight you will have to get one because the cpu runs hotter than modern cpu.. if the heatsink is noises i'd replace it

sorry if I am asking you too much questions. But now question come what model of heatsink should I buy ?? The only thing i need is it should keep my cpu temperature in limits and it should not make noise...