SATA (500mm+100mm+100mm+100mm) x2 2 8
You can research the pinouts if the same manufacturer, as noted above...
But, when swapping manufacturers, and NOT researching the pinouts....(obviously the pinout at the device being powered will be the same...; it's at the PSU side that's in question!)
At least a few folks in here the past 2-3 years have fried up to 3 drives at once...(wvisible smoke, fried components on underside circuit card of 3.5" drive, etc...)
But the OP is talking about using cables from one Corsair PSU on another Corsair PSU. Seems that people are ignoring that fact and that the information on compatibility between the two models is RIGHT ON Corsair's website.
Not expressly ignoring it. Honestly, I didn't even know such a compatibility chart existed, so that's good information.
Either way, the OP actually had the required cables with the TX750M.
Out of curiosity @jonnyguru , was that a conscious decision/instruction on Corsair's end? Or did they just happen to fall that way, despite the varying suppliers?
That's interesting to know.The realization that different pinouts were a bad idea came around the time Corsair wanted to sell their own cable kits. So moving forward after about 2011, engineering specified what the pinout and layout of the modular PCB would be. Seasonic was the last outlier because they pushed back on changing the pinout on the 24-pin on the AX. But that's Seasonic. They push back on A LOT of requests.