Cannont Update or Install (windows 8.1)


Well...a little info would help here.
What caused the last motherboard to die?
What have you tried?
What error messages are you getting?
What are you booting from to try this?
What parts do you have, both old and new?

How does this relate to your previous thread?

Be as technical and complete as you can.

My last mobo wouldn't post and kept giving me 00 and 63 q code with VGA LED so I bought a new one ( ASRock Fatal1ty).


OK, so you bought a new motherboard. Then what?
Is it a different make/model than the old one?
If not the same, did you happen to do a full wipe and reinstall of the OS?

Again...details, please.

I just reinstalled my OS... and the issue is gone now. Although it seems like the ASrock boards have a much slower transfer-rate or something.