Cannot achieve 144hz on my third monitor ( not enough DVI ports )


Aug 7, 2015
Hello everyone,

I recently purchased 3 @144hz monitors. Everything setup great, except that I'm currently sitting on 60hz on my third monitor due to not having enough ports in my GPU for 3 DVI - DVI connections. The only available ports I have left in my GPU is 1 Display Port and 1 HDMI port, nothing else. The monitors only come with a DVI, VGA and HDMI port. I have no clue what to do and I'm literally ripping my hair out right now because I really want to achieve 144hz in surround and HDMI will not work obviously. Can someone guide me here, All I've been getting linked from other forums is some overpriced 200+ DP to DVI adapter of some sort, but when I call up the company to ask them about the cable all I get told is that these adapters do not support @144hz.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice received ))

Seems like the iracing forums may be a good site to ask on as those racing guys like their triple screens for racing.

Even with 2x970's though, I don't think you'll be able to hit 144hz on 3 screens. Not enough power.

I'm going to SLI shortly ( if I manage to make this work ) , my main concern isnt to make it work smoothly, but just to know that I can actually make it work. no point in SLI'ing if I will never achieve 144hz in surround, but Il SLI as soon as this works so I need a solution for the cable :/

Oh yeah you're right ! I could use the ports from the 2nd gpu. Doing some research I have no clue how to find out if 144hz surround will be achieved though. Can anyone else confirm how this works?

Seems like the iracing forums may be a good site to ask on as those racing guys like their triple screens for racing.

Even with 2x970's though, I don't think you'll be able to hit 144hz on 3 screens. Not enough power.