Cannot change default paper size hp 5150


Sep 5, 2011
hello anyone knows how to get the setting for papersize to a4 as default on a 5150 printer
ive tried it in all the settings but every time it changes back to lettr ,,,yes i did press the apply button after the change to a4

Are you sure that this printer has the capability of A4? Most printers have letter size. Just because it has A4 in the menu does not mean that it has this capability, It could be a common menu used across a platform of printers. The manual should verify this.

One thing you can try is to reset everything by unplugging the printer and the re-plugging it.

What does HP support have to say to this?

hp sucks major c...... wanna sell me update or prefefferably i call them at big bucks a minut ive had it

thanks alot for yr reply UMBRALES

seems that the printer on the pc where its connected to dont take a4 as default but another pc connected to the printer trhough wifi network dous take a4 as default so its probaly as you sugested a non inpliclable setting in the printer doe win can do this through its network

after all i get me a canon 2770 ipmax by now with a inktank but also that one is not without headache try to sort out how to reset the ink level when it says after xxxx prints the cartridge is empty ,,the inktank is mounted not conventially on this machine but cme as a service from the shop where i bought it

good machine by the way
also want to apologize for my late reply ,been a bit busy and also my isp is giving me hickups in all the speeds wich result in no speed at all
anyone know how to hack the ipstar sattelite for a tot wifi connection be my guest cannot do from here cos the army gonna be investigating but anyone can get the limits off aal satelite conections this satelite provides is invited to do so see it as a challange