cannot decide on a monitor, help would be much appreciated.


Nov 19, 2015
having trouble deciding between these 5 monitors (mostly the 3 dells)

-not sure if theres a big difference between the u2515h and p2516d (both 1440p)
-or if the p2415q (4k) is worth looking into since it is the lowest priced 4k monitor with the specs i am looking for.

if any one can give me more insight to lean me in the right direction, that would be much appreciated.

furthermore to clarify this is for a dual screen digital art setup, with 1 monitor being used for gaming when i am not using it for the former.

if anyone is wondering about what my needed specs are;
panel type : ips (or variant) for the better color representation
panel finish: matte, i was going to go with reflective at first for the further better color representation but do not want any trouble with it when i end up moving again
refresh rate: atleast the standard 60hz, more is preferable of course
resolution: atleast 1440p, not interested in ultrawides or odd resolutions (1600p)
ports: atleast 1 displayport, everything else is just a bonus
budget: not really relevant since i will be looking around ebay and such instead of retail but most i am willing to spend is around $300 per monitor (i am a cheapo)

Yeah scaling on 4k looks better, now I understand, but that's for media. Frankly speaking I haven't looked into media on 1440p. Maybe you should visit a shop where you can give it a test, look at some movies, and similar.
For that size, 4k is useless in my eyes. When it comes to the dells vs acer/asus, well the dells provide better movement, you can adjust them, rotate them, etc, which is better, however acer and asus come with built in speakers. If you don't care about the speakers then I would say go for Dell U2515H, I am using the 24 version of this and I must say, it is awesome. One of the best monitors for the price out there. Has the highest brightness along with 2xDP 2xHDMI.

the u2515h was my initial choice so its good to hear its still a viable one compared to the others.
i do indeed have no use for built in speakers, they would never be touched as i have my own speakers (the edifier prisma encore 2.1 setup)

is there a big difference between the p2416d and u2515h?

i was also thinking that 4k was kind of useless at that size of screen but at the same time 1080p on 1440p isn't a perfect scale compared to 4k, and the extra pixel density would also be nice. however i do hear that win10 UI / menu on small 4k screens does not scale to well. (actually any 4k screen but specifically small ones)
Well the U is ultrasharp series vs the P - professional. Ultrasharp are the best monitors pretty much out there, while the professional are a bit cheaper due to materials, also you can expect the ultrasharp to produce better picture. Also no idea about windows 10 scaling but my guess is that it wouldn't be a problem. Also why would you scale the 1440p monitor to 1080p? Isn't it better to run it just at 1440p (or i didnt understand you).

ah thanks for the clarfication on that.

i meant scaling 1080p content on a 1440p panel, the ratio is 1:1.5~ while on 4k the ratio is a perfect 1:2 pixel density ratio. 1080p is still pretty standard for media outside of gaming so having a better scaling for it would be better (though it most likely would not even be noticable less it was side by side)