Cannot enable Windows Insider features.


Aug 27, 2011
I've been wanting to try out insider builds for some time now, but my laptop's installation of Windows 10 wants to be weird about it. It has two options on the insider tab of the updates & security section, "Get Started" and "Link with a Microsoft Account". If I try the first option, it errors with the code 0x0, and if I try to link my Microsoft Account -something I shouldn't have to do since I'm using a non-local account- it closes settings completely with no error code or anything.
I tried to ask around on the Microaoft support forums, but every response I got over there was either completely useless, told me to redo things I was already doing over and over, or tried to get me to switch an option that doesn't even exist. They thought I could turn off automatic updates with a toggle in the settings, ffs!
I might do tenforums if nobody can figure it out over here, I don't remember if I ever made an account there though. It's not that I wasn't getting answers on the MS forum, it's that everyone there was like speaking to IT bots that weren't well programmed. I gave them a third degree when they kept giving me useless questions, and one of them quoted my paragraph of burn just to inject some bold directing to turning off the windows local update sharing thing, which I disable anyway. I honestly think that the ms forum is chock full of chatbots after that.

I was hoping the next non insider build would be soon as I need new questions to answer... alas, its not till April now. Sigh.

glad someone around here knows about Insider versions :)

I don't need a step-by-step or anything, I've done insider builds before. Sorry it wasn't that simple to solve, I wish it was.
My windows license is linked to my account and everything already.
When I go to the Insider builds tab, it acts like my account isn't linked to windows, and has a Get Started button and a Link account area below it. if I choose Get Started, it gives me an error, claiming to be under an obviously invalid code of 0x0, and if I try the link account section, after it brings up the account selection, and I choose the one that the license is linked to, the whole window disappears without any trace of an error. I can't figure it out and I really want to get back in on the insider builds.