Cannot figure out whats wrong with my monitors.


Jun 24, 2014
Ok so this has been bothering me for a while now. I have a triple monitor setup with all 3 monitors being an ASUS VG248QE. Im using a displayport for all 3 monitors, connecting to an msi gtx 1080. And 1 of those 3 monitors i got about a month ago.

Im not sure how to explain my problem so ill try as best as i can. i can see the images clearly on my monitor however i can see a sort of static-y film over the display. I tried everything i could think of, i bought better quality DP cables to see if that would work but no luck, i even completely unhooked my speakers from my computer in case it was causing some sort of intereference, and i tried moving the cables around.

At first it was only happening on 1 of the 3 monitors then 2 and now even on my newest one. I dont believe its my gpu dying is it because i had a gpu die on me before and it didnt do anyting like this. It doesnt seem to be showing artifacts just some weird static that doesnt stop you from seeing the image displayed it just sits over it and you can "see through" it, its hard to explain in words.

The staticy stuff seems to show strongest when its displaying on gray black or dark blue colors.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on and what i can do to fix this problem.

Ok i seem to have found the issue. Even though i have all 3 ASUS VG248QE monitors, the first one i got seems to be an older one having slightly different setting such as not having a blue light filte rlike my 2 newer ones. In the nvidia display settings the color depth for the old one was on 8 while the 2 newer ones were on 6. The problem was that the odler one had ONLY 8 and the newer ones had 8 and 6 and when i cahgned those to 8 to match the older one it seems to have made all teh static go away.
try setting a "custom" resolution that is the same as your actual resolution
try adjusting the refresh rate
try fiddling with monitor settings by pressing buttons on the monitor
try reseating the video card
try putting the system in a different room
I tried everything but nothing seemed to work. Theres only on thing i noticed that affects the "static" in any kind of way. On the monitor settings theres a setting called Trace Free and it goes from 0-100 in intervals of 20. From 0-80 does nothing but when its on 100 it seems to intensify the static and even adds lines white static into it almost like what you would see on a tv with no signal.
Ok i seem to have found the issue. Even though i have all 3 ASUS VG248QE monitors, the first one i got seems to be an older one having slightly different setting such as not having a blue light filte rlike my 2 newer ones. In the nvidia display settings the color depth for the old one was on 8 while the 2 newer ones were on 6. The problem was that the odler one had ONLY 8 and the newer ones had 8 and 6 and when i cahgned those to 8 to match the older one it seems to have made all teh static go away.