Cannot find audio drivers for C-Media u37 USB Microphone


Feb 17, 2013
Please bump this if it belongs in a another section.

I am unable to use my C-Media u37 USB microphone on my Windows 8.1 x64 machine. Windows reports that "The drivers for this device are not installed" and when I try to search for updates, it says no drivers can be found.

I have contacted CAD Audio (the manufacturer) and they said that "This driver is native to Windows and as such is not available outside of the Windows environment, you will need to contact Microsoft for assistance." - I have an open thread with Microsoft, but I need this resolved ASAP for my work.

I tried searching for a driver using the hardware ID, but had no luck. My search led me here, but, after extracting the files and pointing the Update Driver wizard to the directory, it said it could not find any drivers for my device.

I would appreciate any help. Thanks!
It does not need drivers. It is supposed to be Plug n Play.

The U37 is Windows and Macintosh compatible, with no software to install--simply plug it into any available USB port, select it as your input in your software settings, and you're ready to create your own audio.

MarkW, thanks, but that's the problem. It isn't "plug-in-play"ing and whatever native Windows driver it relies on is not working.

I have tried USB ports both at the front of my computer and on the I/O board on the back. So yes, I believe so. No luck.
(sorry, for late response; was on vacation)