Cannot find Graphics card drivers


Nov 28, 2012
I recently bought an Alienware x51 which came with Ubuntu, which i replaced with Windows 7.
But the display on my 23" HP monitor was centered. I figured it was just set to low resolution but even after I set the resolution to my monitor's native res (1920x1080) it is still centered with a black border around it.

I figured this was because I didn't have my GPU's drivers so I went to go look for them I couldn't find anything on nvidia's site.

My GPU is a Nvidia Geforce GTX 645.

I'd appreciate any help on this one.
Make sure the intel chipset drivers are up to date. Also some newer laptop use intel and nvidia chipsets. If your laptop uses both make sure you have the newest intel ipgpu drivers installed. Nvidia and amd now have auto install drivers. The program should have read your laptop chipset and installed the newest Mobil drivers. Mobil drivers are also installed with the newest standard drivers. On some newer laptop you have to change in the bios the man chipset or power settings to use both chipsets.

Really? I didn't find GTX 645 on the list though...Only GT 645. I think my GPU is an OEM. Idk where to get the drivers for it.

When I ran the Automatic driver detection I got "Autoscan Failed"

Bump this thread again and I will close it. :non: