Cannot get into install, reboot loop


Jan 29, 2012
I built my own custom PC through parts I ordered from newegg last week. Putting the computer together was surprisingly the easy part, while installing a windows OS has been ridiculous. I tried installing windows xp for a few days after running into 0x7b bsod errors, finally getting it to the point it would set up and then would reboot and put the monitor in sleep mode. I tried vista which just immediately gave me the "putting the monitor to sleep" thing right after it said "starting windows."

Now i'm trying windows 7 and I once again can't do it. It boots up and does the setting up windows bar, then when it goes to "starting windows" it reboots itself, and does that on repeat. I really hope somebody can help, it's incredibly disheartening to spend $500+ just to have it do anything within its power to not work.

I've tried unplugging everything that isn't neccesary, running 1 stick of RAM, I've tried setting it to IDE, RAID, and HCPI. I have tried 2 separate Windows 7 discs. I've reformatted the HD (using xp) multiple times and tried multiple partitions. Windows 7 simply wont even let me get into the installation portion.

Anybody who could help it would be greatly appreciated, I've been trying to troubleshoot this for a few days now and it's getting tiring.

AMD Phenom II X4 975 Black Edition Deneb 3.6GHz
G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333
Radeon HD 6850 (currently not in system)
1TB Hitachi HDD
480W Black Steel PSU
It's normal for Windows 7 to reboot itself a couple times during install.
But I'm guessing you're keeps on rebooting and doesn't stop?
This really sounds like a hardware issue, seeing that you have experienced problems with different OS's not just one. I would go through and recheck all of your connections. Make sure the CPU is seated properly and in the correct orientation. If you have a beefy videocard, make sure that (2) 6-pin connectors are connected to the card from the power supply. You may have checked these things, however, it's usually the small things that cause these types of errors. I would reseat your RAM too just to be sure. This is just my two cents.

I'm using the on-board card and leaving my Radeon 6850 out until i can get the OS installed so I can install it's drivers. I've done a total run-down of the system and everything seems to be well connected/put together. I would say it could be a HDD problem but I've tried this process with a 250gb Samsung drive i have sitting around which gave the same results.

If I booted of a livecd, could I download the drivers BEFORE trying to install windows? or would I atleast be able to run som diagnostic tests to see where my problem is, if it is hardware related?
Depending on the LiveCD and what tools it has installed - yes.

Because you've failed to install ANY of the OSs you've tried - it might be a hard drive issue.
If a LiveCD boots and runs (which it can do without using the HDD) you'll know the system runs if the HDD isnt used. That's useful to know.

I have been told that my problem might be the drivers for my MB might need to be updated. This is why when i was trying to install xp before 7, I was trying to slipstream my drivers into an XP ISO. but this might no longer be a problem if I'm trying to install 7. I'll make a live CD using ubuntu and see what I can figure out from that and report back.

With vista or 7 no, but with XP I was able to format and set up partitions.
So I tried booting Ubuntu and it does the same thing as when I tried to install vista and linux, I get to the initial screen, it waits a few seconds, then my monitor goes into sleep mode for no reason. I don't understand why almost everything I boot puts my monitor into sleep mode.
Honestly I feel like it HAS to be the motherboard at this point. It''s not the monitor, I have 3 and have tried using all of them. Is there anyway i can test the motherboard before RMA'ing it to Newegg and hoping a new one won't give me the same problem? So ridiculous that new merchandise can still be defective.
Having tried other monitors - yeah, I think you've done all you can yourself.

Before you go through the hassle of RMA's give BIOSTAR (and maybe the BIOSTAR forum) a chance to suggest a solution.
If you're lucky - they know what the issue is and have an idea how to get around it.