Cannot get newly built PC to show any signs of life aside from brief spouts here and there


Dec 2, 2015
I'm building a PC for my fiance. These are the parts she ordered from newegg:

1. i5 7500
2. Asus B150
3. 8GB DDR4
4. Refurbished CX600 (This is what I'm most afraid of honestly)

I gave her my 980ti because I upgraded to a 1080ti.

I initially built the PC up and got a brief flash of life for about 1 second before it shut off. No amount of unplugging or replugging got that flash of life back. I removed everything from the case and placed the board on the motherboard box and tried again. Nothing. While it was plugged in I lifted the board ever so slightly and this happened:

Obviously that GPU isn't supposed to be doing that!

So I unplugged the motherboard cable and put a paperclip into the motherboard connector and turned on power. Now the case fans spin, but still no life on the motherboard.

I currently have the motherboard on the motherboard box with the 8pin CPU header plugged in, a paperclip in the motherboard connector, the 980ti in with the dual 8pins plugged into it and the CPU and ram. CPU fan is plugged in.

I'm not sure what to test from here. I've removed ram and switched them around. I have no way to know if the board is faulty, the CPU or the PSU. The GPU definitely works because I had it in my system working just fine.

This is definitely something I didn't want to do. My PC has cable ties everywhere. I think if I can't narrow it down I'll have her RMA the PSU, Motherboard and CPU. That way all the bases are covered.