Cannot Install Windows 8.1 on New PC


Dec 26, 2014
Hi, I just got my new gaming pc, and I have a disk of installing windows 8.1, i follow the steps on there but when i come to the Custom page where i select where i want to it install to, im not allowed to download it on any, can anyone help me here or have another way of installing it? Thank you
I cant really screenshot it, havent got a camera either, I recently got past this stage and finished the instal, but after 40 seconds of being on the homepage i got a black screen, reboot and i log back in and the same again, reboot and i cannot even load in, i get the black screen after it shows the windows 8 logo and the balls going around in the circle, im nto sure what to do at this point as i cannot reinstall as far as ive tried, any tips?
I got past that by removing windows form my pc reinstalling and its ok for now, but when i try and install drivers from disks, it freezes and i dont know why, do you know a reason?